M.C.B.A.’s  Meeting Minutes For Feb. 25, 2003 @ 7:35 P.M.


John Beranek

Carla Beranek

Johnnie Culton

Lewis Jones Jr.

Mike Moody

Jack Noe

John Poynter

David Whittamore

Meeting Minutes

President John Beranek called the meeting of the M.C.B.A to order.  John handed out the City Tournament prize money.  John then took roll; eight (8) of eleven (11) directors were present.  John asked for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes since the members present had a copy to read.  Dispensing the reading of the minutes got a motion, a second and passed.  John asked for nominations for Vice President.  John Poynter was the only nominee and was elected with a 10-0 vote.  Carla Beranek then made a motion for John Poynter to take over as Vice President effective today.  The motion got a second and passed.  John Beranek then asked for nominations for directors.  Worth McGuire, Bev Ingram and Eli Harness were nominated and elected to the board of directors.   The members discussed the March Doubles Tournament and the April Doubles Sweeper Tournament.  The members talked about how to set the handicap for the April Tournament.  It was decided to raise the maximum handicap to 80 pins per game and to use 90% of 210.  John Poynter made a motion to accept the April Doubles Sweeper rules, date and time.  The motion got a second and passed.  John B. asked if anyone had any new business to report.  John P. announced that a bowling clinic would be held at Galaxy Center on Sunday March 2 at 1:00 PM.  Carla B. reminded the members about the women’s state tournament coming up in Oct.  She said they will need help with the tournament and it would be good experience for us if we hold the state tournament.  John B. asked for nominations for President.  Carla B. nominated John Beranek for President.  There were no other nominations for President and John B. was re-elected as President of the M.C.B.A. with a vote of 10-0.  The board set the next meeting date for April 1, 2003.  The meeting will be held at Maroon Lanes at 7:00 PM.  A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed.  The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.


Lewis Jones Jr.

Secretary M.C.B.A.