Madison County Bowling Association

Board Of Directors Meeting

February 3, 2004 @ 7:05 PM


Roll Call:  Carla Beranek, John Beranek, Eli Harness, Lewis Jones Jr., Worth McGuire, Jack Noe, Harvey Poynter, Wayne Shofner and Michael Weaver.


Minutes:  A motion to dismiss with the reading of the minutes passed.


Reports Of Officers And Directors:  John Beranek reported to the board that Perry Wyrick would be interested in filling the open seat on the board.  The motion carried to have Perry join the board of directors.  John also told the board that we would get with the directors who have been missing meetings.


Reports Of Committees:  The tournament committee informed the board that another tournament was scheduled at the same time as our 3-6-9 tournament.  After discussing the matter the board voted to move the date of the tournament to March 21, 2004.


Unfinished Business:  The board discussed the city tournament.  The board went over the prize breakdown sheet and entry forms for the tournament and suggested changes.  John took the names of the directors who could work the tournament and the dates they could work.  The board also discussed what the workers would need to do at the tournament.  The board approved drawing for lanes instead of assigning lanes.


New Business:  Jack Noe was asked if Maroon Lanes would be open for the state tournament.  Jack said it looked like Maroon would be open but would probably know more by our next meeting and would let us know.


Adjournment:  The board set the next meeting for March 2, 2004 at 7:00 PM.  This will be our Annual Meeting.  The meeting will be held at Galaxy Bowling Center.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.