Madison County Bowling Association

Board Of Directors Meeting

January 6, 2004 @ 7:15 PM


Roll Call:  Carla Beranek, John Beranek, Eli Harness, Lewis Jones Jr., Jack Noe, Harvey Poynter, Wayne Shofner and Michael Weaver.


Minutes:  A motion to dismiss with the reading of the minutes passed.


Reports Of Officers And Directors:  Lewis Jones Jr. reported that Johnnie Culton wanted to be removed from the board of directors because he didn’t have time to attend the meetings.  John Beranek asked the board if they knew of anyone interested in joining the board.  The members discussed some bowlers who might be interested.


Reports Of Committees:


Unfinished Business:  Discussed the upcoming City Tournament.  The board approved the tournament rules, dates and times.  The board also voted to guarantee $1000 for 1st place Team Event, $500 for 1st place Doubles Event, $250 for 1st place Singles Event, $50 for 1st place Scratch and Handicap All Events.  The board agreed to schedule who would work the City Tournament at our next meeting.


New Business:  Discussed board members missing meetings. The board approved a 3-6-9 tournament for Sunday February 29, 2004 at 2:00 PM at Maroon Lanes.  The MCBA will guarantee $200 to the prize fund.  The board approved the date, time and location for our annual meeting.  The meeting will be held on March 2, 2004 at 7:00 PM.  The meeting will be held at the Galaxy Bowling Center. 


Adjournment:  The board set the next meeting for February 3, 2004 at 7:00 PM.  The meeting will be held at Galaxy Bowling Center.  Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.