MCBA Annual Meeting

April 5, 2010


Ten directors attended the meeting. Gary Kerns was re-elected as Vice President and the other directors whose terms were up were re-elected to the board. Mark Rogers was elected to the board replacing Kim Breeding who resigned from the board of directors. Lane inspections were set for Sunday August 1 at 9:00 AM. President Harvey Poynter told the members about the 3 tournaments with different oil patterns to be bowled in August to be voted on and decide the new house pattern. Harvey also talked about our association funds and how we built the account back up from the beginning of the year with 50/50 pots and hosting the Senior State Tournament. Moving all the leagues to the left side of the house to make it easier for Galaxy to keep the league lanes in good working order was also discussed. Gary Kerns asked about the state jamboree. Lewis Jones Jr said the information about the jamboree would be posted on our website as soon as Lewis receives the information. Harvey told the members it was important to attend the jamboree. Policies for the state association are voted on at the jamboree such as possibly centralizing the state tournament instead of moving the tournament to a different zone each year. The next meeting of the board of directors was set for August 1 at 11:00 AM or after the lane inspections have been conducted.


Lewis Jones Jr

Association Manager