Madison County Bowling Association Meeting January 27th 2007

Members of the MCBA Board of directors and members of the MCWA gathered for a joint meeting on January 27,2007 at Galaxy Bowling Center. The meeting was called to order by Harvey Poynter at 11:30 a.m. Harvey lead off the meeting by welcoming the MCWBA and introducing members of the MCBA present.

-Harvey lead discussions proposing to join MCBA and MCWBA making a stronger association.

-Discussed Advantages of being a larger association

-Discussed the uses of the monies spent from account of the MCBA.

-Both associations shared a concern about dwindling league participants and teams.

-Discussed the amount of support Galaxy gives Sanction leagues vs. Unsanctioned leagues.

-Acknowledged the need for increased #’s to gain progress on league sanctions and league support.

-Suggesting that all leagues use the same pattern #1 and that this be the “house” pattern

-Harvey suggested the women’s league try pattern #1 and will arrange pattern #1 put on courtesy lanes for Tuesday Night Women’s league. Harvey will also arrange for Pattern #1 to be put on all courtesy lanes throughout this week. All league secretaries or presidents are to encourage participates to try the lane conditions and report back to the Harvey Poynter

-On Saturdays starting at 10:30 on 1/27/07 -to- 4/14/07 there will be a youth league at Galaxy Bowling Center.

*One member of MCBA is asked to Volunteer at least one of those Saturdays. See Harvey Poynter for sign up. We had several people sign up. Members are asked to be available for help if the young leaguers or parents need assistance or have questions.

--The association discussed nominations for child bowling scholarships to bowl on leagues for winter or summer. Send nominations to MCBA.

--Discussed volunteers from both associations for the Jamboree at Galaxy this summer will be a two day tournament

-Harvey invited women‘s association to enter city tournament if not a member just have to pay 1$ association. Fee.

-Both associations discussed concerns about bowling league etiquette

(i.e. Drinks/food on approaches, and street shoes hitting monitors and bowling equipment)

--Both associations would like to have a League President/Secretary meeting with owners of Galaxy to educate/inform them of what is getting done and how it’s affecting the league numbers. Need to discuss a date and who will request this meeting at next meeting.

---Kim Breeding recommended all questions that will need to be addressed emailed to so we may gather and approve questions as an association prior to the owners meeting .

-Need to discuss how to approach owners and investors at a later meeting. (educate, inform first )

-Still interested in a display case for Bowling alley, one with a lock and key.

-Both Associations interested in nominations for Hall of Fame Bowlers be submitted. ASAP

Meeting Adjourned at 12:50

Attending M.C.B.A members:

Gary Kerns 661-5037

Beverly Shearer 624-9197

Harvey Poynter 582-4764

Kim Breeding 623-8698

Mike Moody 626-3292

Judy Poynter 623-9912

Chad Bischof 661-6173

Attending M.C.W.B.A members:

Emma Lee Tate 661-5280

Keeley Gadd 623-6351 home 200-9202 cell

Velma Cruse 986-4049 home 544-1536 cell

Margaret Tilsley 925-4305

Juanita Lunsford 623-6269

Sue Lainhart 200-6841

Vickie Anderson 623-0930

Suggested sending any additions questions to

Website address for the Madison County Bowling Assoc. is